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The Frederick J. Oxner Past Master Travelling Jewel

Instituted as a Past Master Travelling Jewel on May 13, 2024 this jewel will be presented to the outgoing Master of the Lodge at each Annual Installation, to be worn as a travelling jewel during his year as Immediate Past Master.

This jewel was worn by W. Bro. Frederick John Oxner and was his Past Master jewel. The front of the jewel is engraved “Duke of Kent Lodge No. 121 AF&AM”. The ribbon is adorned with his initials “FJO” in stylized form. The back of the jewel is engraved with his name and the year “1955”.

Worshipful Brother Oxner was a Charter Member of Duke of Kent Lodge No. 121. He was one of the signatories on a petition to the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia in August 1951 requesting a new lodge be formed in Spryfield.

This is the only known jewel from any of our Charter Members, making it a powerful connection to our past, and as such, the lodge considers it priceless.

Prior to affiliating as a Charter Member of Duke of Kent Lodge, Bro. Oxner was a member of Acadia Lodge No. 14 where he was Initiated on December 10, 1928, Passed February 11, 1929 and Raised March 18, 1929.

Bro. Oxner was the first Jr. Deacon of our lodge, progressing eventually to the East and serving as Worshipful Master in 1955-56. Born in 1903, he resided in Spryfield and his listed occupation was that of plumber and machinist.

Bro. Oxner passed to the Grand Lodge Above on July 1, 1957 at the age of 53. A note on his membership card on file with Grand Lodge reads as follows:

“W. Bro. Oxner was a Charter Member of this lodge. Was the first JD. Was Wor. Master 1955-56. Was very active in the Building Co. & all Masonic work. This lodge has lost a good brother & a true friend.”

The IPM should wear this jewel with pride during his travels, not only as a symbol of being a Past Master of Duke of Kent Lodge but also as a reminder of the rich history of this, “The Friendly Lodge” and as a tribute to all brethren who have passed this way before us.



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​15 Sarah Drive

Halifax, NS  B3N 2N2


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