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About Us

Duke of Kent Lodge 121 Logo

A Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons

Instituted: October 9, 1951

Warranted: June 12, 1952

Consecrated: November 3, 1952


Regular Meeting Night:

2nd Monday of every month

(Except July, August and October)

Meeting Time: 7:30pm


​​Installation  Month:  April

​​Installation time: 7:30pm


Masonic Hall: 15 Sarah Dr, Spryfield, NS

Halifax District 1 Logo

Freemasonry is the world's oldest fraternal organization and is composed of men of high moral values from every race, religion, opinion and background who have reached the age of 21 and believe in a supreme being.

Freemasonry teaches men to be tolerant of the beliefs of others, to be patriotic, law abiding citizens, temperate in all things, to aid the unfortunate, to practice Brotherly Love and to faithfully accept and discharge solemn obligations to each other, their families, communities, countries and the world in general.  It aims to promote Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love among its members, who are brought together as Brothers to develop and strengthen the bonds of Friendship.

Lodge Officers 2024-25:
Worshipful Master
V. W. Bro. Brian Evans
Senior Warden
R. W. Bro. Derrick Coulson
Junior Warden
Bro. Spencer Sani
R. W. Bro. Fabio Sani
Bro. Keith Smith
Senior Deacon
Bro. Kirk Desrosiers
Junior Deacon
Bro. Channing Brown
R. W. Bro. Thomas Beckett
R. W. Bro. Mike Day
Director of Ceremonies
R. W. Bro. Ken Simmons
R. W. Bro. Angus Tulloch
R. W. Bro. Scott Burke
Senior Steward
Bro. Ryan Mullaly
Junior Steward
Bro. Ivan Kirk
Inner Guard
Bro. Don Downey
Bro. Lauri Simm
Immediate Past Master
V. W. Bro. Bob Brown
Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia Logo
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Duke of Kent No. 121 Lodge Logo

​15 Sarah Drive

Halifax, NS  B3N 2N2


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©2023 by Duke of Kent Lodge No. 121

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